Clasipar Empleos / Tecnología Todo lo que necesites está en Customer Support Technician - Clasificados de Duplex en Full time Fuente del anuncio:


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Todo lo que necesites está en Customer Support Technician - Clasificados de Duplex en Full time Fuente del anuncio:

Luisa Villanueva

Gs. 6.000.000

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Detalle de: Todo lo que necesites está en Customer Support Technician - Clasificados de Duplex en Full time Fuente del anuncio: Customer Support Technician is an entry-level position within Infobip Customer Support.

Technician works under the supervision of mentor and senior team members to provide customer technical assistance and after-sales support. This role is primarily focused on learning by contributing C and D segment customers, and from time to time working more impactful clients from other segments under supervision. Technician communicates inside the department (peers, mentor, line manager) in order to successfully support the customers, with more often escalations towards other functions (Sales, CSM or providers/MNOs) and through periodical (not often) inclusion into various projects outside of the department.

Main Responsibilities:

Provide Technical Customer Support

Act as a technical resource by providing technical assistance and post-sales support to customers (mainly around CPaaS portoflio of products)

Serve on the front lines by troubleshooting technical problems and resolving any kind of technical issues with desired quality and customer satisfaction standard.

Ensure high-level of customer satisfaction.

Respond to customer queries in a timely and accurate way in line with service level agreements.

Contribute to internal improvement initiatives.

Create and update support related technical documentation, customer details and know-how, and share with all the teams and technical community.

Focus on Continuous Development

Gain knowledge and develop your skills through day-to-day assignments and assisting more senior team member!

Participate in Continuing Education sessions.

Be fully versed on Infobip products, platforms, and integrations.


Intermediate level of English is Los mejores anuncios gratuitos en required for this position.

Knowledge in HTTP API.

Hybrid work model (3 days per week at the office).

Portuguese knowledge is a plus. Fuente del anuncio:

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