Los mejores anuncios clasificados de Electrónica los encontrás en Clasipar.com JARDÍN DE LA PAZ: UNDER THE SHADE AND IN THE BEST SPOT OF THE CEMETERY, PLOT FOR Ingresá a Clasipar.com. El Clasificado en Paraguay SALE Fuente del anuncio:https://clasipar.paraguay.com/inmuebles/otros-inmuebles/jardin-de-la-paz-under-the-shade-and-in-the-best-spot-of-the-cemetery-plot-for-sale-2541233
Jardín de la Paz
Detalle de: Los mejores anuncios clasificados de Electrónica los encontrás en Clasipar.com JARDÍN DE LA PAZ: UNDER THE SHADE AND IN THE BEST SPOT OF THE CEMETERY, PLOT FOR Ingresá a Clasipar.com. El Clasificado en Paraguay SALE Fuente del anuncio:https://clasipar.paraguay.com/inmuebles/otros-inmuebles/jardin-de-la-paz-under-the-shade-and-in-the-best-spot-of-the-cemetery-plot-for-sale-2541233
Todo lo que necesites está en Clasipar.com 🌳 JARDÍN DE LA PAZ Cemetery
📍 Located in the Cañada San Miguel neighborhood of Lambaré, approximately 200 meters south of Cerro Lambaré Avenue, the street leading to the Paraguayan Yacht and Golf Club.
✨ These properties are burial plots in a private cemetery, surrounded by a charming garden and equipped with all the features of a private site. Additionally, they are situated in an easily accessible area in the city of Lambaré.
📐 Area: 2.5 m²
📌 Lot: 18
📌 Block: 5
📌 Sector: 4
💰 Cash Price: G. 35,000,000.-
#PrivateCemetery #JardínDeLaPaz #Lambaré #CemeteryPlot #PropertyForSale #ExclusiveCemetery #RealEstateParaguay #InvestmentOpportunity #EasilyAccessibleLocation Ingresá a Clasipar.com. El Clasificado en Paraguay #PrivateBurialPlot #SecureInvestment #EternalRest #CañadaSanMiguel #CemeteryLots #CharmingGarden #LambaréSale #PeaceAndRest Fuente del anuncio:https://clasipar.paraguay.com/inmuebles/otros-inmuebles/jardin-de-la-paz-under-the-shade-and-in-the-best-spot-of-the-cemetery-plot-for-sale-2541233
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US$. 180.000,00
VENDO | Ofrecido por: Particular | Casas