Clasipar Motor / Repuestos y accesorios Conseguí empleo, encontrá servicios y contactos útiles. Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1500&Bico Buscas un auto nuevo? en lo encontrarás! Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1096 Fuente del anuncio:

Conseguí empleo, encontrá servicios y contactos útiles. Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1500&Bico Buscas un auto nuevo? en lo encontrarás! Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1096 Fuente del anuncio:

Lutong Sharyhu

US$. 12,00

Alto Paraguay
Bahia Negra
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Detalle de: Conseguí empleo, encontrá servicios y contactos útiles. Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1500&Bico Buscas un auto nuevo? en lo encontrarás! Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1096 Fuente del anuncio:

Ingresá a Clasipar! anuncios gratuitos Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1500&Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA158P1096

This is shary from China-Lutong is one of the chief suppliers of diesel fuel system components in China.
Common Rail is the fuel injection system that meets strict emission regulations. It includes a high-pressure pump, injector, rail, filter and ECU. The current range of Encontrá todo lo que necesitas China-Lutong parts for diesel engines includes VE distributor pumps and parts, injector nozzles and testing equipments. China-Lutong’s line of diesel fuel injection spare parts are available in Distributor Head, Plunger Return Spring, Feed Pump, Plunger Barrel, Drive Shaft, Cam Disk, Delivery Valve, Magnet Valve, Roller Ring.

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Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA156P2588
Bico Injetor Common Rail DLLA156P799

1.high quality product, live at the factory.
2. The ability to provide strong enough.
3 Spaceship is more than 10.000 samples.
4. factory sales prices.
5. 12-month warrants, were fully responsible for every subject of the product.

shary AT
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